
       In 2009, Ji'nan Liunaixi restaurant chain Limited Brands -- pinecone restaurant opened in the East culture. The cooking process of pineal restaurant follow two gist: one is the real Western-style food raw materials, the two is used Western-style food basic cooking methods. In addition, in order to achieve each improves by association with the other Food and environment, the restaurant uses Nordic minimalist and abandoned Marxism combined the style of decoration, and display a lot of meaning law country such as jewelry, as far as possible the original show charming European style town. After several years of efforts, pinecone restaurant has won the recognition of all in taste and service, and cut a striking figure in Ji'nan each big Food comment website, currently the top three favorable rate.

版权所有:松果西餐厅  地址:济南市历下区文化东路103号 电话:0531-86563896  鲁ICP备2022034778号-1
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